So what are we doing here anyway?

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.  Missing cues or parts of a run sheet are not an “unforgivable sin” but they still can be a distraction to worship and to what the Holy Spirit may be doing in someone’s heart.  I certainly do  not want to be that distraction…but like I said earlier, God will work whether we do all the right things or not.  That’s what so great about serving God!

Anyway, I’m sure I’ll come back to this topic or a similar topic in the near future.  It’s time to go to bed so that I’m ready and prepared for the morning….Sunday morning.  A sacred time to worship our Savior, God, Creator and King of all.  God bless you as you worship Him in Spirit and in Truth.

Reflections?  Thoughts?  Comments?  Feel free to make your voice heard by commenting below or emailing me at

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