Going all in – “If I lost it all, would my hands stay lifted?”

I’m really thankful right now because I feel like I’m living in a time of blessing and abundance in my life right now

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.  I have a great job where I get to do what I love and God is blessing National Community Church like crazy.  We keep talking about what it looks like to go “All In”.

I was reading Job the other day which is kind of weird considering that I am in a time of blessing but I felt like God was calling my attention to it.

Job was a good dude.  Good to the point that even God was bragging about how good Job was to Satan!  That in and of itself is kind of nuts.  Wouldn’t you be happy if you knew God was bragging about you? God blessed his socks off for serving faithfully.  God placed protection around him and gave him all kinds of stuff.  Satan basically said to God that Job was only serving God because of the good stuff God had done for him

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.  Satan wanted God to allow him to make Job suffer to show God that he was right.  So, God allowed it and Satan caused terrible things to happen to Job.  Basically, Job had servant after servant come running in saying that his possessions were all gone and then worse, his family was killed.  Talk about a bad day!

Job shaved his head and tore his robe.  But what is significant here is what happens next.  The Bible says that Job fell to the ground and worshipped God. This guy was blessed beyond his wildest dreams and in one screwed up day, it was all gone.  Then, God allowed Satan to inflict pain and suffering on Job’s body.  The suffering that was inflicted upon Job was so bad that when his buddies came around, they didn’t even recognize him!  They stayed with him but said nothing for seven days and then basically told him he should curse God and die.  Even his wife just told him to curse God and die.  But, Job remained faithful.  He stuck with it and believed that God had a purpose in all of this.  Job worshipped God for who He was, not for what God had done.

This basic concept is something that has been rolling around in my head for the past 3 or 4 weeks.  It all kind of came together for me this afternoon when I heard a song called “I’m Still Yours” by Kutless.  It just talks about still worshipping God through a broken heart and through the bad times.

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