Spotify: New limits placed on listeners on October 14th

If you haven’t heard of or used Spotify recently then you are seriously behind

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.  Spotify started out as a free music service that was available to international users and on July 14th of this year, took the US by storm offering the best free music listening service to date.  Their deal with Facebook pushed them past competitors such as who were trying to create a music driven social network.  Their edge came because it was a free service that gave you unlimited plays where services like cost money.

Unfortunately, it was too good to be true.  Today, if you logged into Spotify to listen to your favorite tunes, you were asked to accept the new terms and conditions and I’m sure many of you just hit “I Accept” without reading it.  That click of acceptance will change how much you’ll be able to listen to tracks and ultimately how you’ll be able to use Spotify.

Basically, there are four different ways that you can access Spotify.  The version that most people had was the free version with ads where you could listen to whatever you wanted without the commercials.  That version now has listening limits placed on it after you are a member for six months

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.  After that, Spotify will impose “a cap of 10 listening hours per month and a cap of 5 plays per unique track.”  Lame.  I always wonder how Spotify made enough money to make all of those artists and distribution companies happy when it came to royalties but now it’s apparent that they are trying to push people towards purchasing the premium version of Spotify.  But, honestly, can you blame them?  It must require an incredible amount of resources to run a service like this and I seriously doubt there is any way that they can sustain themselves unless they begin to bring in more revenue.

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