Spotify: New limits placed on listeners on October 14th

So what does this mean for the user who loves Spotify?  Right now, if you haven’t had your account for six months, (which it hasn’t been available in the US for over six months yet) you won’t see any changes.  However, once you hit that six month marker, your functionality of Spotify will capped at 10 listening hours per month.  If you really don’t want that cap, you can try one of the other four “flavors” of Spotify.  They also feature an advertisement free version where you pay either a monthly or yearly fee, an advertisement free version where you pay a monthly fee which also features an offline mode where you can listen to certain downloaded songs while offline (which I’m sure are encrypted and not available for you to just keep), and finally a paid version where you have completely unlimited access which also supports your mobile device.

Which one are you interested in?  Do you think you will pay for Spotify in the future or will you simply use it less?  Feel free to comment with your thoughts and opinions and what you, the Spotify user, will do about the new terms and conditions.

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  1. shortie:

    They announced this the 6 months of unlimited listening then a cap over a month ago. As well these are same terms that they have had on the service in the UK. So no real surprise on the updated terms.

    I love spottily and used even before it came to the us. When i was in the UK last nov i set up an account and enjoyed the service. I love spotify. More then pandora. Because i get to choose where my discovery goes… not where there player thinks it should go. Come spring when my free period ends I will pay for spottily. As soon as my income become more stable I will get the premium on. I like the amount the catalog and ability to share early with friends. supporting a company like spottily is a easy choice.

  2. jasoncastellente:

    You’re totally right. I believe when they made the announcement, which was a quiet one at that, they didn’t really give a timeline as far as I saw. So, I figured it was something they’d do eventually or potentially even something that might not happen. I can’t say I’m surprised either. I just wanted to blog it to make everyone aware since practically no one ever reads their terms and conditions.

    I do love Spotify. The only other thing I might use that even comes close, would be Grooveshark. In my opinion, Pandora isn’t even on my radar anymore. It’s super old school haha. I’ve been using Google Music Beta and certainly won’t pay for that because it stinks. It always seems like whenever we all find something good, it gets killed one way or another. Look at…or even Hulu when Hulu plus came out. We’ll have to see what happens with Spotify…

  3. shortie:

    As soon as it popped up. I read through it to see what was changing. You are totally right people do not read ula’s and have no idea what they are agreeing to.

    I think the jury is out on lala because from the sounds of it. It is the heart of the iTunes match.

    And hulu plus is a mess… because by paying you would think you get everything, but some things are not available to you when signed in to hulu plus which is mind boggling. And what is up with fox and there 8 day waiting period. If i miss a show you want me to mis another one before i can catch up…. broken.

  4. Diana:

    I love spotify. I bought their premium subscription and I’m going to try it out for a month. I love how seamless it is and how it doesn’t mess with my computer- Mac or Dell. We used the droid app on the drive up to NYC…. seriously. No complaints other than it drains my battery lol

    I may stick with the premium service. Blows Grooveshark, Pandora, and iTunes out of the water IMO.

  5. TL:

    Hey man. Great article. You brought up a very good point about being able to sustain something uncapped and totally free like that. Question though: does that only affect the version with just ads and no commercials? What happens to those who have both ads and commercials?