An overwhelming feeling of gratitude

God created the heavens, earth, and everything in it.  We were created in His image; in the image and likeness of the very definition of creativity.  And He said that it was good.  It’s truly amazing even as I cruise at 25,000 feet on my way back to DC.  As those who are following Christ with our whole hearts and lives, we should be the most creative and innovative people on the planet.  Yet, I think so many times we sell ourselves short of who could be and who we truly are in Christ Jesus.  We were given the gift of life, how can we use it and how will we make it count?  We must find innovative and creative ways to communicate the love of Christ to a lost and dying world.  We must continue to find new methods and ways to communicate the gospel.  The day we think we’ve arrived, we have died as a creative innovator.


I hope God will continue to open doors and give me opportunities to pursue my passion of audio, production, and technology in the church.  I’m amazed at where I am now and what He has literally dropped in my lap.  I cannot imagine the future and what He is going to do.  And honestly, it’s better that way.  I don’t think I could conceive it.

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  1. Jonathan Malm:

    Great post! 🙂

  2. jasoncastellente:

    Thanks man…I appreciate it!