The Parable of the Talents rewritten for audio guys



I’m kind of in a silly mood tonight yet also spiritual

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.  So, I was thinking about one of my previous posts where I talked about the Parable of the Talents as found in Matthew 25 and Luke 19 and I decided to rewrite in more modern terms with a church audio tech twist

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.  Since all of you know my conversations all come back to audio equipment anyway, this shouldn’t surprise you 🙂

Here it goes:

The boss gives his guys some speakers. Terry and Jerry sit down and think about how they can most effectively execute their shows with some dinky speakers.  They figure out how to rent stuff out, market their ideas, do great events and then they’re able to upgrade their gear cause they worked for it.  Joe decides to put his two dinky speakers on his coffee table, sit on his butt and rock out on his couch.  Sure it sounds great in his living room, but that’s as far as it gets.  When the boss gets back, Terry and Jerry are crankin’ up some sweet line arrays with awesome subs and rockin’ their boss’ socks off!  Well, Joe still has the same old speakers that the boss gave him.  The boss is really disappointed, so he fires Joe cause he didn’t do any work!  He gives Joe’s speakers to Terry who promptly grabs them and runs to the front of the room screaming “YES!!  Front fills!!”

And for those of you who want the serious post where I write about the Parable of the Talents, click here.