Intentionality with time, focus and life


As I kick off 2012 and launch headlong into another year, I started thinking about projects, goals, writing, work, and where I hope to be by the end of the year

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.  I want to be able to work on some audio training videos, improve my mixing skills, be more ingenious and creative with how I work with lighting, blog more frequently, be more efficient and intentional with my time at work, bench more at the gym, push up my level of endurance, improve my walk with God and my depth spiritually among many other things.

My list started growing and growing as I kept listing things out that I felt like I needed to do and then looked back through it and felt instantly overwhelmed.  How in the world can I do all this?  Feelings of inadequacy crept in and I started to feel discouraged.

Have you ever felt this way?  I’m sure you have.

I started thinking more about it and I realized that I need to bring more focus and intentionality to my life and goals.  While diversity in what you do isn’t bad in and of itself, you can burn yourself out and feel like you’ve made no progress even though you’ve set goals and listed things out

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.  Especially for those of us who work in the church, we tend to be multipurpose individuals who strive to serve and do what is needed, filling in the cracks and there is nothing wrong with being willing to serve.  But, we also need to decide what we’re NOT going to do.  Let me explain.

We split ourselves in too many different directions, dabbling in a bunch of different things. Sure, it’s fun but we turn into a “jack of all trades, master of none”.  We’re not intentional with our time and we never fully develop our strongest talents.  If you’re one of those creative types, you know what I’m talking about.  How many times have you put a ton of effort into something and it came out good or simply okay?  Practice makes perfect and you know if you worked at it, you could be great at it.  But then you get distracted by the next project, idea, or inspiration and focus on that.  Once again, it comes out good or simply okay.

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