Looking back on my life, I am constantly amazed at how God has worked in me and through me. We are created as worshippers of our Savior and King over all the heavens and the earth. He sent His one and only Son to live a blameless life and to die a horrible death on the cross. He rose again defying all odds and now offers eternal life as a free gift to those who are willing to accept it. In return, he asks us to follow Him and walk in His ways. He asks us to follow Him at all costs and to give our lives back to Him as a living sacrifice
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At a young age, I have always tried to follow in those ways and to live my life as unto the God who saved me. Even though I am still relatively young, I have still been alive long enough to see that God has ordained my footsteps and has walked with me through various decisions in my life. I am thankful for his provision and guidance. Maybe not every decision has been “the right thing” but ultimately, God was still in control and He directed me down the paths that He had for me.
My last four years or so at Valley Forge Christian College helped me to learn and grow dramatically. Through many professors and staff, I learned more then just academics. I learned how to apply the practical academics, musical skills, and music technology into furthering the Kingdom of God. VFCC did much more then just teach the skills, they encouraged you and many times gave you the opportunity to put those skills into practice.
One huge part of me putting things into practice and learning things through experience alone was the past two years of touring as an audio engineer for Pneuma 2009 and Chosen 2010. Those summers and semester bookings taught me how to take the musical and technical skills I had learned and use them in a real application in real time. I learned to think on my feet and with my ears. I learned to jump right in and try my hardest to make something work. And when I didn’t know what to do, God gave me the wisdom to know how to figure it out or to place something or someone in my path to help me press forward. Also, throw in the variables of travel, relationships with people on the team, friends from school, family back home, and the day-to-day relationships I made with people along the way, and that makes for a challenge! I know I grew and God taught me so much in those times. Even now, I know I was so blessed to be part of Chosen and Pneuma these past two years. The things I learned, the ways I grew, relationships I developed, the friends I made and the connections I made were awesome. I am so thankful for Chosen and Pneuma and I pray that God continues to use them in ways bigger and better then they would have ever expected.
But, part of a journey includes moving on…moving forward. I know I always want to be challenged and pushed to work harder and do more then I have before. In everything I want to further the Kingdom of God while still using my talents and giftings that are from the Lord. He gave me life and made a way for me to have eternal life; I feel like that in return, I should give my life back to Him as an offering of worship so that He may be glorified in my life
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That brings me to the next chapter of my life. I have been offered a position as the production coordinator of National Community Church located in Washington DC. National Community Church uses coffeehouses and movie cinemas as venues for church. They currently have six locations in the Washington DC and Virginia areas and have plans to open more and to build a new building. NCC began meeting in the Union Station movie theaters until they closed down. They continued meeting at their coffeehouse, Ebenezer’s Coffeehouse, just a short distance away. God, then, place a vision in their hearts to expand what they were doing into the movie theaters of the Washington DC area and surrounding areas. They brought it before their congregation who decided corporately that this was the direction God wanted for their church. And with that, the multi-site vision of National Community Church was born. As God blessed their faithfulness, they opened more locations and currently they have six locations. They are constantly looking at new locations where they can expand to and will be kicking off their seventh location later this year.
I am so excited about what God is doing at National Community Church and blessed to be able to be a part of their team reaching the Washington DC area. I love their presentation and their style. It’s so out of the box and new. It’s relevant to the culture and meets people where they are. They fuse what this generation gravitates to, the coffeehouses and theaters, and then reclaims that medium to communicate the Gospel and the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
I’m still trying to work out logistics of moving to DC and starting the job, but it’s going to be fairly quick. It will probably be around the end of this month. It’s going to be interesting to figure all that out but I believe that God will lead me and guide me in this new chapter of my life.
Thank you to everyone who has supported me, worked with me, given me opportunities, and invested in my life over the years. Without all of you, this wouldn’t have happened.
Feel free, as always, to comment or email me at jason@jasoncastellente.com