The final post in a series of articles by technical directors who have impacted my thinking is by Bill Swaringim. If you’re been in the church technical community for any length of time, you have probably heard Bill’s name. He is a huge reason that so many technical directors have been connected and the church tech community is what it is today. I’ve always appreciated his heart and love for those in ministry
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. When he sent me the article, I realized the best time to publish this, was just shortly before Easter…a time when church techs are burned out, discouraged, and they feel like they have lost their sense of meaning and purpose. He talks abou a Christmas production in it but it can just as easily apply to the high stress levels that we experience around Easter as well. If that’s how you feel, this article is for you. Be encouraged…hopefully, this article can serve as a healing balm on the hearts of the techs that read this.
Let me Encourage You
Serving in ministry for a good part of my adult life I’ve been around long enough that I have experienced disappointments in ministry. I’ve been in situations that have left me exhausted, disillusioned and sometimes, devalued. I’ve found some of those disappointments have been because I have lost sight of God’s calling on my life.
It was around Christmas a few years ago. We hadn’t even got to the prep for the Christmas Eve services and I had already hit my wall. I was exhausted. I was head down focused on getting the long list of To-Dos done. I had switched into survival mode….just make it through to the next day. I was sitting at lunch, with lots of details in my head, while my pastor was speaking to the church staff about the upcoming Christmas season. As he wrapped up he spoke these words. These words came over me like a healing salve. “You’re not crazy. You’re not alone. God is using you to impact His Kingdom.”
I often share those words of encouragement with church technical leaders over phone calls, at events I’m privileged to be a part of and have even tweeted them. While I believe they are some of the most encouraging words for a church technical leader, they can impact anyone serving in ministry.
You’re not crazy.
Really. You’re not. It may seem like it after spending hours upon hours on a set design or new system install. You may feel that each weekend with the amount of stress you carry to ensure your volunteers execute the worship services . You may reach the point where you wonder if it is all worth it. Let me assure you, if the reason you do what you do is to serve God, then you are not crazy.
Even though it may go unnoticed by others, God is in every little detail that you care for. He has entrusted you to help communicate the Gospel. When you remember that, it is an incredible privilege to be serving Him in the ministry He has called you to.
You’re not alone.
Ministry is a unique profession. We are often put into situations where the details, process or denominations can isolate us, even as we work with others. It can be a lonely job. I encourage you to find and reach out to others that share your heart for ministry. There are many networks available for ministry professionals, like Church Technical Leaders, or pick up the phone and call your counterpart at the other church down the street.
God did not intend for you to be alone. It is easy for church technical leaders, or even senior pastors, to be consumed by responsibility and to feel like everything is on their shoulders. Build your team by adding people who have skillsets that you may lack. By doing this you will not only have help to get the job done but it will help you become a better leader too. And, it deepens the community you are called to. Allowing others to step into His story with you and helping them use the gifts God has given them will benefit everyone.
God is using you to impact His Kingdom.
It is easy to lose sight of what you are called to do; not just in the busyness of holidays but in our day to day operations. Being in ministry is often mistaken for making church ‘happen’ and we tend to lose ourselves in the tasks instead of His story. You may even question the how or the why of where you are serving. If you are being faithful to God wherever He has you then I believe He is using you to impact His Kingdom. I encourage you to start finding the stories of how God is working in the community you serve. It’s important for you to hear the stories of how God is moving within your church community. Take the step to talk with your leadership to find those stories.
I will catch myself feeling sorry for myself. Then God reminds me that He has called me to do this. I’m not sure why I am privileged to do this or why I get to do this, and sometimes why I am stuck doing this. But I know His plans are bigger and better than mine. Those words bring me back to the vision and mission of what I do.
So, again, let me encourage you. You are not crazy, you are not alone and God is using you to impact His Kingdom.