Sprint data on Apple iPod touch

Sprint announced earlier last week that they would be releasing the ZTE Peel for the Apple iPod touch on November 14th.  It is almost like a “case” that fits on the outside of the iPod touch that connects you to Sprint’s 3G data network.  I have to admit, it is a cool concept

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.  But I can’t help but feel like Sprint grasping at AT&T’s success with the iPhone and iPad by creating a sort of a mini-iPad or limited iPhone.  The data plans are decent but still not worth it

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.  They give you 3GB of transfer for $29.99.  It’s slightly better then the AT&T data plan but still, compare the networks.  Sprint vs. AT&T?  Really?  It simply is not competitive price wise.  The only really cool thing about it is that you can use Facetime anywhere without jailbreaking your iPhone or iPod touch. But then again, you are limited on data transfer.  So if you use it alot, you are sure to be paying fees for overages.

You be the judge.Check it out here:


As always, feel free to comment or email me at jason@jasoncastellente.com

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