All In and God’s provision

We have to take the first step.  So many times, we stand there and say, “Okay God, you promised great things.  Let me set it and I’ll move forward.”  We ask for that sign from God, when instead, we should be trusting and moving forward.  God won’t provide until we move.  If we just stand there, why does He need to do anything?  But, when we make that decision to move forward, God will move with us and make the way for us.  He’ll make a path for us just like he did for the Israelites at the Red Sea.  He’ll make a path just as he did when the Israelites were walking forward towards Jehrico.

Think about that story.  When the Israelites were walking forward towards Jehrico, the arc being carried by 4 men went first.  God promised to get them across the river.  It’s hard to take that first step.  Can you imagine what it was like to be that first guy in line?  Someone had to put their foot in the water first.  No one likes to be humiliated.  What happens if one dude puts his foot in the water and his shoes get wet because the water doesn’t part?  Stinks right?  But, it had to be done.  He took the first step forward, and the water parted.  God could have parted the water and then told them to go, but instead he made them move forward first.  Crazy right?

What about my life?  What about your life?  What areas is God telling you to move forward but you are afraid to “get your shoes wet”?  Where do you need to build more faith?  How can you trust God more?

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