Droid-themed XBOX 360 announced by Microsoft

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.  I’m also an Xbox guy.  This past week, Microsoft revealed a special edition of the new 360 design.  It’s got a matching Kinect sensor and is paired with the new Star Wars Kinect and Kinect Adventures game

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.  The console is designed like R2-D2 and the controller has the same vibe as C-3P0 as well as some Star Wars sound effects to go with it.  The tech specs also include a 320 GB hard drive and will retail for $449.  It’s consistent with the pricing that has been set with the latest 360 design but is still the highest priced Xbox currently on the market.  It’s cool if you’re a Star Wars geek, but since I’m more of a tech geek, I won’t be picking it up.  Still, it looks really cool.  Check it out!

2 Responses to “Droid-themed XBOX 360 announced by Microsoft”

  1. Jonathan Malm July 30, 2011 at 5:11 pm #

    Sweet! Between this and Halo…I really want an XBox now… 🙂

    • jasoncastellente July 30, 2011 at 6:49 pm #

      I had the xbox 360 pro for a while and now have the xbox 360 slim…that new black one that came out more recently. I love it…it’s my personal console platform of choice haha

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