Your Talent is More Valuable than You Realize

We were created by God, in his image and likeness.  As believers in Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit is living inside of us and is active through us.  The question is, are we actively seeking God’s diving purpose and direction for our lives?  The inspiration we draw from is a product of his creation in some way, shape, or form and even more amazing, we are invited enter into a relationship with the Creator God of the universe.  As we draw closer to Him and all of His fullness, isn’t it a natural progression for us to be more creative?  It’s simply part of the process of striving to be more like God!

Those of us who serve in ministry are purposed with the task of saving lives and hearts.  Each individual person is priceless.  Our purpose in ministry needs to always be people, first and foremost.  The value of saving lives and reaching people is something only God can fully understand in the context of heaven and eternity.  When we steward our time and talents that God as gifted us to enhance the  creative ministries we are able to facilitate connections and communicate the love of Christ in ways that meet our culture where it’s needed.

How valuable are your talents?  While, it’s hard to wrap our minds around the physical and monetary worth of the talent of Instagram’s employees, how much more valuable are the talents God has given you to do ministry in the element of your calling?

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