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Sunday| Mag: Myths about the Tech Department

This Wednesday, Sunday| Magazine dropped their 6th issue filled with myths that the creative church has fallen into and believes.  It’s pretty killer and hits some really awesome topics.

My article focused on Myths About the Tech Department which you can read here.

By my article is not the best article by far.  There’s great material in there and wanted to drop a few quotes that impacted my spirit and passion for what I do:

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Passion vs. Leadership – WAVE Blog

One of the huge perks of what I do at National Community Church is that I get to meet alot of great people who inspire me and push me towards greater things for the Kingdom of God.  WAVE Group is a full service AVL company that works with churches across the United States and has been involved in the Miracle Theater project that NCC is working on launching by providing excellent design services and will also be working on the installation.  I’ve appreciated getting to know the guys in the company over the past year and have grown from knowing them.

I’ve been convicted over the past year, that in order to grow, I must find new ways to pour out myself in order for God to fill me with something fresh and new.  That’s a very spiritual principle that I believe is also practical as well.  I can’t grow unless I not only strive for excellence in what I do, but I must also teach what I’ve learned so that others can sharpen their skills.

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Your Talent is More Valuable than You Realize

Most people have heard the news weeks ago that Facebook purchased Instagram for a cool $1 billion

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Obviously, the CEO and the co-founder are going to make out with a ton of money because it was their idea.  The employees are set to get a decent amount of money because they were seriously in the right place at the right time.  But how did they get there?  They had to have some type of outstanding talent and some solid networking to be a part of Instagram in the first place.

Instagram had only 13 employees including the CEO and co-founder.  They must have been selective with who they brought on board and when they were brought on board.

But, it all started with a basic idea which was revealed to the public in October 2010.  It wasn’t worth much then but as it became more and more popular, they founders continued to develop and improve their idea.  I’m sure in the beginning they had no idea that the company would sell for $1 Billion dollars less then two years after it went public.

It’s the same thing with YOU.

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Allen & Heath GLD console – Hands-On Review

Over the past few years, the small format digital console market has taken some huge leaps.  Before, the Yamaha LS9 kind of had a lockdown on the market simply because it was one of the only consoles in the price range with those capabilities so, naturally, it became popular.  In recent years, that has changed significantly with the release of consoles such as the Presonus StudioLive, Roland V-mixing system, Soundcraft Si compact series, and now Allen & Heath’s GLD series.

I have heard of some people comparing the GLD to the Avid SC48 and honestly, I don’t think that’s fair.  The price range is vastly different and you would be better advised to compare the SC48 to the Allen & Heath iLive T112 with an iDR-48 stage rack as they are way more comparable

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At National Community Church, we already have two iLives (a T112 with an iDR48 and an i112 with an iDR10 modular rack) and our volunteers love them because they are so easy to mix on and sound great.  I’ve been mixing on the iLive among other consoles while I was at Valley Forge Christian College and have almost 5 years of experience with Allen & Heath digital consoles.  When we were looking for NCC’s theater locations to replace our analog GL consoles and Whirlwind snakes which are starting to show their age and the GLD was released, I knew this was the console for NCC.

The Grand Opening

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Learning to be okay with Over Communication

Sunday morning is full of pressure, stress and distraction

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.  I wrote about how to deal with and minimize distractions in the tech world in a Sunday| Magazine article that was released earlier this week.

Our volunteer base is just as susceptible to this as we are.  However, as a technical director, we’re held to a higher standard because of our leadership position.  We set the example to those we lead.  If we as tech directors are slacking and not paying attention, it’s even worse because we’re responsible for what happens.

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National Community Church Protégé Program

Many of you who check out my blog on a regular basis know that I work on staff at National Community Church

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National Community Church on the NBC Today Show

A few weeks back, NBC’s “Today Show” came to NCC and interviewed our Lead Pastor Mark Batterson, some of our staff and congregation.  It was a little bit of a crazy morning for production because we also mixed the worship band audio that is on the video broadcast

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Anyway, check out the video on the NCC website by clicking here.


Creating an artistic mix

Recently, I wrote an article for Sunday| Magazine about Getting a Consistant Mix from Different Techs.  The concepts and methods in that article are sort of a preface for creating an artistic mix.

We get so worked up gear, what levels we have to run at or what we think the EQ curve on our console graph should look like that we forget about what its really supposed to sound like and what we are actually doing as audio engineers.  I blogged about mixing with your ears instead of your eyes a while back as well.

This is why the topic of mixing artistically is so important.   Continue Reading…

Sunday| Mag article: Getting a consistant mix

If you’ve been reading my blog, you’ve heard me talk about Sunday| Magazine.  It’s an awesome resource for not only techs, designers and creatives in the church but for worship teams, leadership and other leaders that pour themselves into creating a great experience each Sunday at church.  The man behind it all is Jonathan Malm who has become pretty well known in the church tech and stage design circles as a result of the great websites he runs

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I was privileged to write once again for the second issue of Sunday| Magazine.  In this issue, it focuses on curating rather then creating.  I could go into how amazing I think that concept is but I don’t want to take the fun away

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My article is on “Getting a Consistant Mix from Different Techs“.  Check it out and let me know what you think!  I always love to get feedback and hear what people’s rections and impressions are.

Check out Sunday| Magazine launching March 1st

If you follow me on twitter or are friends with me on Facebook, you’ll know I’ve been talking about Sunday| Magazine for a while

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At WFX in 2011, I was introduced to Jonathan Malm who is the creator of websites like Church Stage Design Ideas as well as his self-branded creative inspiration site and new new Sunday| Magazine which launches March 1st.  As we talked, Sunday came up and ultimately, I was given the incredible opportunity to write it.

His concept behind the magazine is what really has impressed me. Continue Reading…

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